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The Science and Technology of Counterterrorism
Measuring Physical and Electronic Security Risk
An easy-to-understand guide for how to rigorously analyze terrorism risk and develop effective counterterrorism strategies.
Carl Young (Author)
Paperback / softback, published 30 April 2014
512 pages
23.4 x 19 x 3.2 cm, 0.99 kg
"After completing the entire book and applying its lessons, the security professional may have the means to better justify security-related expenditures by using math and science to explain the effectiveness of the proposed technology."--ASIS Dynamics Newsletter, February 2015
Scientists with little or no background in security and security professionals with little or no background in science and technology often have difficulty communicating in order to implement the best counterterrorism strategies. The Science and Technology of Counterterrorism offers the necessary theoretical foundation to address real-world terrorism scenarios, effectively bridging the gap. It provides a powerful security assessment methodology, coupled with counterterrorism strategies that are applicable to all terrorism attack vectors. These include biological, chemical, radiological, electromagnetic, explosive, and electronic or cyber attacks. In addition to rigorous estimates of threat vulnerabilities and the effectiveness of risk mitigation, it provides meaningful terrorism risk metrics. The Science and Technology of Counterterrorism teaches the reader how to think about terrorism risk, and evaluates terrorism scenarios and counterterrorism technologies with sophistication punctuated by humor. Both students and security professionals will significantly benefit from the risk assessment methodologies and guidance on appropriate counterterrorism measures contained within this book.
Section I-Modeling Terrorism Risk1: Terrorism Threats, Risk and Counterterrorism Strategies2: Terrorism Scenario Analysis3: Terrorism and Uncertainty4: Physical Models of Terrorism Threats5: Measuring Terrorism RiskSection II-Analyzing Terrorism Threats 6: Conventional Explosive Threats7: Radiological, Biological, Chemical, and Electromagnetic Weapons 8: Electronic Terrorism Threats9: Electronic Security MeetsPhysical SecuritySection III-Counterterrorism Controls10: Affiliation, Authentication and Authorization11: Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)12: Physical Access Restriction and Security Incident Monitoring/DetectionAppendices:1-Linearity, Non-linearity, and Scaling2-Exponents, Logarithms and Measuring Sensitivity to Change;3- The Exponential Function, ex4-Parameters for Anti-Explosive Window Treatments5-Half-Life6-High-Level Counterterrorism Technical Strategies7-RFID Effects on Credit Cards in Close Proximity
Subject Areas: Terrorism, armed struggle [JPWL]