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The Oceans and Marine Geochemistry
Treatise on Geochemistry, Volume 6

H. Elderfield (Edited by)

9780080451015, Elsevier Science

Paperback / softback, published 22 March 2006

664 pages
24.6 x 18.9 x 4.1 cm, 1.7 kg

"The book, like others within the Treatise, is an indispensable reference for academics and students in oceanography, specifically marine geochemistry. Scientists will also find in their pages a large amount of relevant information for their purposes." --J. Albaiges, in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND CHEMISTRY

“This is a concisely and clearly written, truly balanced book, well illustrated by excellent diagrams and graphs, that summarizes the essentials of contemporary knowledge of the geochemistry of ocean. It is The New Testament in marine geochemistry. ...A must for any scientific library, for any student who wants to enter the amazing world of marine geochemistry, and for any scientist who wishes to improve his knowledge of topics beyond his own area of expertise. Non-professionals will find in this book all information they need about widely discussed problems like global warming, composition and history of seawater, the natural removal of toxins, etc." --Journal of Sedimentary Research

"I have no doubt at all that this book represents the major benchmark of the collective writings and knowledge on the subject of marine geochemistry 40 years on. It deserves to be a classic and on every marine scientist's bookshelf." --Professor Graham Shimmield, Director of the Scottish Associatoin for Marine Science

The oceans are vitally important to an understanding of how the Earth works as an integrated system because its chemical composition records transfer of elements through the Earth’s geochemical reservoirs as well as defining how physical, biological and chemical processes combine to influence issues as diverse as climate change and the capacity of the oceans to remove toxic metals. Much modern marine geochemistry aims to link and integrate studies of the modern oceans with work using proxies to define how ocean chemistry and the ocean/atmospheric system has changed through time on a number of different timescales. Special focus in such work is the carbon cycle and its link to changes in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Volume 6 covers all the important topics needed for such an integrated approach, ranging from the contemporary ocean composition, transport processes in the ocean, paleoclimatology and paleo-oceanography from marine deposits, to the evolution of seawater composition.

1. Introduction to ocean geochemistry (H. Elderfield). 2. Physico-chemical controls on seawater (F.J. Millero). 3. Controls on trace metals in seawater (K.W. Bruland). 4. Gases in seawater (P.S. Liss). 5. The biological pump (C.L. de la Rocha). 6. Marine bio-inorganic chemistry (F.M.M. Morel). 7. Marine organic geochemistry (T.I. Eglington, D.J. Repeta). 8. The geochemical budget for seawater (D.Archer, H. Elderfield). 9. Estuarine and coastal processes (L.K. Benninger, C.S Martens). 10. Hydrothermal processes (C.R. German, K.L. Von Damm). 11. Tracers of ocean mixing (W.J. Jenkins). 12. Chemical tracers of particle transport (R.F. Anderson). 13. Benthic fluxes and early diagenesis (S.R. Emerson, J.I. Hedges).
14. Geochronometry of marine deposits (K.K. Turekian, M.P. Bacon). 15. Elemental and isotopic proxies of past ocean temperatures (D.W. Lea). 16. Alkenones as paleotemperature indicators (T.D. Herbert). 17. Geochemical evidence for quaternary sea-level changes (R. L. Edwards). 18. Tracers of ocean mixing in the past (J. Lynch-Steiglitz). 19. The biological pump in the past (D.M. Sigman, G.H. Haug). 20. The oceanic CaCO3 cycle (W.S. Broecker).
21. Quaternary seawater composition (D.P. Schrag). 22. Cenozoic ocean chemistry - records from multiple proxies (G.E. Ravizza, J.C. Zachos). 23. The early history of seawater (H.D. Holland).

Subject Areas: Oceanography [seas RBKC], Economic geology [RBGL], Geochemistry [RBGK], Geological surface processes [geomorphology RBGD], Geology & the lithosphere [RBG], Earth sciences [RB], Mining industry [KNAT]

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