The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Reproductive System
The ultimate Netter Collection for the reproductive system
Roger P. Smith (Author), Paul Turek (Author)
9781437705959, Elsevier Health Sciences
Hardback, published 10 February 2011
336 pages, 283 illustrations (283 in full color)
28 x 19 x 2.4 cm, 1.38 kg
- Coming Soon -
The long-awaited update of The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations is now becoming a reality! Master artist-physician, Carlos Machado, and other top medical illustrators have teamed-up with medical experts to make the classic Netter "green books" a reliable effective current-day reference. The first three volumes to be released will be:
The Reproductive System
The Endocrine System
The Respiratory System
See for more information.
Pre-order your copies today!
- Master knowledge of the development, function, and pathology of the male and female reproductive tracts through elegant and informed side-by-side discussions of these systems.
- View the artistic mastery and beauty of Netter’s finest images, presented in one of the most complete and best organized series of illustrations of reproductive system in health and disease.
- Be inspired by the wondrously complex and highly-evolved human reproductive tract through integrated discussions of primary and subspecialty concepts in clinical care.
- Get a deep understanding of complex topics in reproductive medicine through the brilliant text-atlas format that Netter has brought to new and richly artistic heights.
- Access today’s clinical knowledge on all aspects of the reproductive system—including sexual development and dysfunction, genetics, fertility medicine, prostate health, contraception, and treatable problems in pregnancy—conveyed through beautiful illustrations and vivid radiologic images.
- Benefit from the expertise of two world-class editors, Roger Smith, MD—a gynecologist—and Paul Turek, MD—a urologist and microsurgeon—both talented minds and clear thinkers in the field of reproductive biology and medicine.
- Connect the connection between basic and clinical sciences as only Netter can help you do through the visual integration of normal and pathologic structure and function in the reproductive tract.
- Learn and review the fundamental of reproductive medicine—with the classic Netter art, beautiful new and updated illustrations, and modern imaging.
- Apply the perspective of an experienced, international advisory board to many controversies and timely topics in clinical medicine.
Section 1
Development of the Genital Tracts and Functional Relationships of the Gonads
1-1 Genetics and Biology of Early Reproductive Tract Development
1-2 Homologues of the Internal Genitalia
1-3 Homologues of External Genitalia
1-4 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Hormonal Axis
1-5 Testosterone and Estrogen Synthesis
1-6 Puberty Normal Sequence
1-7 Puberty – Abnormalities: Male Gonadal Failure
1-8 Puberty – Abnormalities: 1-9 Puberty – Abnormalities: 1-10 Puberty – Abnormalities: Female Gonadal Failure
1-11 Puberty – Abnormalities:
1-12 Intersex: True Hermaphoditism
1-13 Intersex: Male Pseudohermaphoditism I-Gonadal
1-14 Intersex: Male Pseudohermaphoditism II-Hormonal
1-15 Intersex: Female Pseudohermaphoditism
Section 2
The Penis and Male Perineum
- Pelvic Structures
- Superficial Fascial Layers
- Deep Fascial Layers
- Penile Fascia and Structures
- Urogenital Diaphragm
- Blood Supply of Pelvis
- Blood Supply of Perineum
- Blood Supply of Testis
- Lymphatic Drainage of Pelvis and Genitalia
- Innervation of Genitalia I
- Innervation of Genitalia II and of Perineum
- Urethra and Penis
- Erection and Erectile Dysfunction
- Hypospadias and Epispadias
- Congenital Valve Formation and Cyst
- Urethral Anomalies, Verumontanum Disorders
- Phimosis, Paraphimosis, Strangulation
- Peyronie’s Disease, Priapism, Thrombosis
- Trauma to Penis and Urethra
- Urinary Extravasation
- Balanitis
- Urethritis
- Syphilis
- Chancroid, Lymphogranuloma Venereum
- Granuloma Inguinale
- Strictures
- Warts, Precancerous Lesions, Early Cancer
- Advanced Carcinoma of the Penis
- Papilloma, Cancer of Urethra
Section 3
The Scrotum and Testis
- Scrotal Wall
- Blood Supply of the Testis
- Testis, Epididymis and Vas Deferens
- Testicular Development and Spermatogenesis
- Descent of the Testis
- Scrotal Skin Diseases I: Chemical and Infectious
- Scrotal Skin Diseases II: Scabies and Lice
- Avulsion, Edema, Hematoma
- Hydrocele, Spermatocele
- Varicocele, Hematocele, Torsion
- Infection, Gangrene
- Syphilis
- Elephantiasis
- Cysts and Cancer of the Scrotum
- Cryptorchidism
- Testis Failure I: Primary (Hypergonadotropic) Hypogonadism
- Testis Failure II: Secondary (Hypogonadotropic) Hypogonadism
- Testis Failure III: Secondary Hypogonadism Variants
- Testis Failure IV: Klinefelter Syndrome
- Testis Failure V: Delayed Puberty
- Spermatogenic Failure
- Infection and Abscess of Testis and Epididymis
- Syphilis and Tuberculosis of the Testis
- Testicular Tumors I: Seminoma, Embryonal Carcinoma, Yolk Sac Tumors
- Testicular Tumors II: Teratoma, Choriocarcinoma, In Situ Neoplasia
Section 4
The Seminal Vesicles and Prostate
- Prostate and Seminal Vesicles
- Development of Prostate
- Pelvic and Prostatic Trauma
- Prostatic Infarct and Cysts
- Prostatitis
- Prostatic Tuberculosis and Calculi
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy I: Histology
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy II: Sites of Hypertrophy and Etiology
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy III: Complications and Medical Treatment
- Carcinoma of Prostate I: Epidemiology, PSA, Staging and Grading
- Carcinoma of Prostate II: Metastases
- Carcinoma of Prostate III: Diagnosis, Treatment, Palliation
- Sarcoma of Prostate
- Benign Prostate Surgery I--Suprapubic
- Benign Prostate Surgery II--Retropubic
- Benign Prostate Surgery III--Perineal
- Benign Prostate Surgery IV--Transurethral
- Malignant Prostate Surgery I--Retropubic
- Malignant Prostate Surgery I--Perineal
- Malignant Prostate Surgery I—Laparoscopic and Robotic
- Seminal Vesicle Surgical Approaches
- Anomalies of the Spermatic Cord
Section 5
Sperm and Ejaculation
- Anatomy of a Sperm
- Semen Analysis and Sperm Morphology
- Azoospermia I: Sperm Production Problems-Genetics
- Azoospermia II: Excurrent Duct Obstruction
- Azoospermia III: Reproductive Microsurgery
- Azoospermia IV: Diagnostic Procedures
- Therapeutic Sperm Retrieval
- Ejaculatory Disorders
- Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction
Section 6
The Vulva
- External Genitalia
- Pudendal, pubic and inguinal regions
- Perineum
- Lymphatic drainage – external genitalia
- Blood supply of perineum
- Innervation of external genitalia and perineum
- Dermatoses
- Atrophic conditions
- Circulatory and other disturbances
- Diabetes, trichomoniasis, moniliasis
- Vulvar Vestibulitis
- Gonorrhea
- Syphilis
- Chancroid and other infections
- Cysts
- Benign tumors
- Malignant tumors
- Female Circumcision
Section 7
The Vagina
- The Vagina
- Pelvic Diaphragm I — From below
- Pelvic Diaphragm II — From above
- Support of pelvic viscera
- Female urethra
- Vulva and vagina histology
- Vagina - cytology
- Congenital anomalies
- Imperforate hymen, hematocolpos, fibrous hymen
- Vaginitis I — Trichomonas, Monilia, Bacterial Vaginosis
- Vaginitis II — Venereal Infections
- Vaginitis III — Chemical, traumatic
- Toxic shock syndrome
- Trauma
- Cystocele, urethrocele
- Rectocele, enterocele
- Fistulae
- Atrophic conditions
- Cysts and Benign Tumors
- Endometriosis I — Vulva, Vagina, Cervix
- Malignant Tumors I —Primary
- Malignant Tumors II — Metastases and Extension
Section 8
The Uterus and Cervix
- Pelvic Viscera
- Pelvic Viscera and Support — From Above
- Blood supply of uterus and pelvic organs
- Lymphatic drainage I — Pelvis
- Lymphatic drainage II — Internal genitalia
- Innervation of internal genitalia
- Uterus and adnexa
- Uterine development and musculature
- Endometrial blood supply
- Endometrial cycle
- Dysmenorrhea
- Congenital anomalies
- Displacements
- Prolapse
- Perforation
- Lacerations, strictures, polyps
- Cervicitis I — Erosions, external infections
- Cervicitis II — Gonorrhea, Chlamydial infections
- Cancer of cervix I — Cytology
- Cancer of cervix II —Various stages and types
- Cancer of cervix III — Extension and metastases
- Causes of uterine bleeding
- Relationships in endometrial hyperplasia
- Adenomyosis
- Asherman’s Syndrome (uterine synechia)
- Endometrial hyperplasia, polyps
- Myoma (Fibroid) I — Locations
- Myoma (Fibroid) II — Secondary changes
- Myoma (Fibroid) III — Degeneration, obstruction
- Sarcoma
- Cancer of corpus I — Various stages and types
- Cancer of corpus II — Histology and extension
Section 9
The Fallopian Tubes
- Fallopian tubes
- Congenital anomalies I — Absence. rudiments
- Congenital anomalies II — Atresia, defects
- Bacterial routes, parametritis, acute salpingitis I
- Acute salpingitis II, pyosalpinx
- Hydrosalpinx
- Pelvic peritonitis, abscess
- Chronic salpingitis, adhesions
- Obstruction following chronic salpingitis
- Tubo-ovarian abscess
- Tuberculosis
- Salpingitis Isthmica Nodosa, carcinoma
- Para-ovarian or Epoöphoron cyst
Section 10
The Ovaries
- Ovarian structures and development
- Endocrine relations during cycle
- Ovarian cycle
- Hormonal influence during life
- Menopause
- Developmental anomalies
- Gonadal dysgenesis
- Physiologic variations, nonneoplastic cysts
- Endometriosis II — Pelvis
- Infections
- Serous cystoma and cystadenoma
- Papillary serous cystadenoma
- Papilloma, serous adeno- and cystadenofibroma
- Mucinous cystadenoma
- Teratomata
- Adnexal Torsion
- Feminizing neoplasms
- Masculinizing neoplasms
- Endocrinopathies I — Luteinization
- Endocrinopathies II — Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Dysgerminoma, Brenner tumor
- Stromatogenous neoplasms
- Primary cystic carcinoma
- Primary solid carcinoma
- Secondary ovarian carcinoma
- Diagnosis of ovarian neoplasms
- Conditions simulating ovarian neoplasms I
- Conditions simulating ovarian neoplasms II
Section 11
The Ovum and Reproduction
- The Oocyte and Ovulation
- Fertilization
- Genetics of Reproduction
- Infertility I – Causes
- Infertility II – Evaluation Female
- Infertility III – Evaluation Male
- Recurrent abortion
- Assisted Reproduction
- Contraception
Section 12
- Implantation and early development of ovum
- Developmental events of the first trimester
- Developmental events of the second trimester
- Developmental events of the third trimester
- Development of placenta and fetal membranes
- Circulation in placenta
- Hormonal fluctuations in pregnancy
- Ectopic pregnancy I — Tubal pregnancy
- Ectopic pregnancy II — Rupture, abortion
- Ectopic pregnancy III — Interstitial, abdominal, ovarian
- Abortion
- Cervical insufficiency
- Multiple gestation
- Placenta I — Form and structure
- Placenta II — Numbers, cord, membranes
- Placenta previa
- Abruptio placentae
- Placenta accreta
- Couvelaire uterus, Amniotic fluid embolism
- Nodular lesions of placenta other than true infarcts
- Gestational trophoblastic disease
- Neuropathways in parturition
- Normal birth
- Operative vaginal delivery
- Obstetric lacerations I — Vagina, perineum, vulva
- Obstetric lacerations II — Fibromuscular support
- Cesarean delivery
- Rupture of the uterus
- Uterine inversion
- Urinary complications of pregnancy
- Preeclampsia I — Symptomatology
- Preeclampsia II —Ophthalmologic changes in preeclampsia and eclampsia
- Preeclampsia III — Visceral lesions in preeclampsia and eclampsia
- Preeclampsia IV — Placental infarcts
- Causes of decreased maternal circulation
- Intrauterine growth restriction
- Erythroblastosis fetalis (Rh sensitization)
- Syphilis
- Puerperal infection
Section 13
The Mammary Gland
- Position and structure
- Blood supply
- Lymphatic drainage
- Developmental stages
- Functional changes and lactation
- Polythelia, polymastia, hypertrophy
- Gynecomastia
- Painful engorgement, puerperal mastitis
- Galactorrhea
- Mondor’s disease
- Breast Imaging
- Fibrocystic change I — Mastodynia
- Fibrocystic change II — Adenosis
- Fibrocystic change III — Cystic change
- Benign fibroadenoma, intracystic papilloma
- Giant myxoma, sarcoma
- Breast cancer
- Intraductal and lobular adenocarcinoma
- Inflammatory carcinoma
- Hereditary breast disease
- Paget's disease of the nipple
- Malignancies of male breast
Selected REferences
Subject Areas: Anatomy [MFC]