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Space-Time Wireless Systems
From Array Processing to MIMO Communications

This is a comprehensive reference for readers wanting to learn about the entire range of relevant aspects in wireless communications.

H. Bölcskei (Edited by), D. Gesbert (Edited by), C. B. Papadias (Edited by), A.-J. van der Veen (Edited by)

9780521071208, Cambridge University Press

Paperback / softback, published 30 October 2008

620 pages, 200 b/w illus.
21.6 x 15 x 1.4 cm, 0.29 kg

One of the most promising technologies to resolve the bottlenecks in traffic capacity of future wireless networks is multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications and space-time processing. MIMO wireless technology has progressed from the stage of fundamental research to commercially available products within a decade. With over sixty contributors from the field, this book provides an extensive overview of the state-of-the-art in MIMO communications, ranging from its roots in antenna array processing to advanced cellular communication systems. A balanced treatment of three key areas -information theory, algorithms and systems studies, and implementation issues - has been assembled by four editors with a broad range of academic and industry experience. This comprehensive reference will appeal to practitioners, researchers, and graduate students in wireless communications.

List of contributors
Part I. Multiantenna Basics: 1. Propagation aspects of MIMO channel modeling J. Bach Andersen
2. Beamforming techniques J. Winters
3. Diversity in wireless systems A. F. Naguib and A. R. Calderbank
4. Fundamentals of MIMO channel capacity E. Biglieri and G. Taricco
5. Multiantenna capacity: myths and realities A. Lozano, A. M. Tulino and S. Verdú
6. The role of feedback, CSI, and coherence in MIMO systems G. Barriac, N. Jacobsen and U. Madhow
Part II. Space-time Modulation and Coding: 7. Introduction to space-time codes A. R. Calderbank and A. F. Naguib
8. Perspectives on the diversity-multiplexing trade-off in MIMO systems H. Yao, L. Zheng and G. W. Wornell
9. Linear precoding for MIMO channels A. Scaglione and P. Stoica
10. Space-time coding for noncoherent channels J.-C. Belfiore and A. M. Cipriano
11. Space-time coding for time- and frequency-selective MIMO channels X. Ma and G. B. Giannakis
Part III. Receiver Algorithms and Parameter Estimation: 12. Array signal processing A. B. Gershman
13. Optimal subspace techniques for DOA estimation M. Jansson, B. Ottersten, M. Viberg and A. L. Swindlehurst
14. Blind and semiblind MIMO channel estimation D. Slock and A. Medles
15. MIMO receive algorithms T. Kailath, H. Vikalo and B. Hassibi
16. Space-time turbo coding S. ten Brink
17. Training for MIMO communications Y. Sung, T. Sung. B. M. Sadler and L. Tong
Part IV. System-level Issues of Multiantenna Systems: 18. MIMO Gaussian multiple access channels M. Mohseni, M. Brady and J. Cioffi
19. On information-theoretic aspects of MIMO broadcast channels G. Caire, S. Shamai (Shitz), Y. Steinberg and H. Weingarten
20. Multiuser MIMO systems H. V. Poor, D. Reynolds and X. Wang
21. Opportunistic communication: a system view P. Viswanath
22. System level performance of MIMO systems N. Marina, O. Tirkkonen and P. Pasanen
Part V. Implementations, Measurements, Prototypes, and Standards: 23. What we can learn from multiantenna measurements E. Bonek and W. Weichselberger
24. Experiments in space-time modulation and demodulation W. Zhu, H. Lee, D. Liu, D. Browne and M. P. Fitz
25. Multiple antenna techniques in 3G wireless systems R. A. Soni and R. M. Buehrer
26. MIMO wireless local area networks K. Gosse, M. de Courville, M. Muck, S. Rouquette and S. Simoens
27. VLSI implementation of MIMO detection A. Burg and D. Garrett

Subject Areas: Educational: Technology [YQT], WAP [wireless technology TJKW], Electronics engineering [TJF], Electronics & communications engineering [TJ], Electrical engineering [THR]

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