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Present Knowledge in Nutrition
Clinical and Applied Topics in Nutrition

Addresses life stage nutrition, nutrition monitoring, measurement, regulation and important topics in clinical nutrition

Bernadette P. Marriott (Edited by), Diane F. Birt (Edited by), Virginia A. Stallings (Edited by), Allison A. Yates (Edited by)

9780128184608, Elsevier Science

Paperback, published 20 July 2020

670 pages
27.6 x 21.5 x 4.1 cm, 1.79 kg

Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Eleventh Edition, provides an accessible, highly readable, referenced, source of the most current, reliable, and comprehensive information in the broad field of nutrition. Now broken into two, separate volumes, and updated to reflect scientific advancements since the publication of its tenth edition, Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Eleventh Edition includes expanded coverage on the topics of basic nutrition and metabolism and clinical and applied topics in nutrition. This volume, Present Knowledge in Nutrition: Clinical and Applied Topics in Nutrition, addresses life stage nutrition and maintaining health, nutrition monitoring, measurement, and regulation, and important topics in clinical nutrition.

Authored by an international group of subject-matter experts, with the guidance of four editors with complementary areas of expertise, Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Eleventh Edition will continue to be a go-to resource for advanced undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in nutrition, public health, medicine, and related fields; professionals in academia and medicine, including clinicians, dietitians, physicians, and other health professionals; and academic, industrial and government researchers, including those in nutrition and public health.

The book was produced in cooperation with the International Life Sciences Institute (

Contents of Volume 2 Editor Biographies  Contributors to Volume 2  Foreword  Preface  Acknowledgments   Section A. Lifestage Nutrition and Maintaining Health

1. Infant nutrition  STEPHANIE P. GILLEY AND NANCY F. KREBS 2. Nutrient needs and requirements during growth  ELIZABETH PROUT PARKS, MARIA R. MASCARENHAS, AND VI GOH 3. Maternal nutrient metabolism and requirements in pregnancy  KIMBERLY K. VESCO, KAREN LINDSAY, AND MARIE JOHNSON 4. Nutrient metabolism and requirements in lactation  JIMI FRANCIS AND REBECCA EGDORF 5. Nutrition, aging, and requirements in the elderly  IBRAHIM ELMADFA AND ALEXA L. MEYER 6. Nutrition for sport and physical activity  LOUISE M. BURKE AND MELINDA M. MANORE 7. A ration is not food until it is eaten: nutrition lessons learned from feeding soldiers  KARL E. FRIEDL, E. WAYNE ASKEW, AND DAVID D. SCHNAKENBERG 8. Energy balance: impact of physiology and psychology on food choice and eating behavior ALEXANDRA M. JOHNSTONE AND SYLVIA STEPHEN 9. Eating behaviors and strategies to promote weight loss and maintenance  DONNA H. RYAN AND STEPHEN ANTON 10. Taste, cost, convenience, and food choices  ADAM DREWNOWSKI AND PABLO MONSIVAIS

Section B. Nutrition Monitoring, Measurement, and Regulation

11. Present knowledge in nutrition -nutrient databases  DAVID B. HAYTOWITZ AND PAMELA R. PEHRSSON 12. Nutrition surveillance  KIRSTEN A. HERRICK AND CYNTHIA L. OGDEN 13. Dietary patterns  SARAH A. MCNAUGHTON 14. Assessment of dietary intake by self-reports and biological markers  MARGA C. OCKE´, JEANNE H.M. DE VRIES, AND PAUL J.M. HULSHOF 15. Establishing nutrient intake values  JANINE L. LEWIS AND JOHANNA T. DWYER 16. Nutrition in labeling  ELIZABETH J. CAMPBELL, JAMES E. HOADLEY, AND ROBERT C. POST 17. Food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition  KATHERINE ALAIMO, MARIANA CHILTON, AND SONYA J. JONES

Section C. Clinical Nutrition

18. The role of diet in chronic disease  KATHERINE L. TUCKER 19. Eating disorders  RENEE D. RIENECKE, LAURA M. NANCE, AND ELIZABETH M. WALLIS 20. Diabetes and insulin resistance  KIRSTINE J. BELL, STEPHEN COLAGIURI, AND JENNIE  BRAND-MILLER 21. Hypertension  THOMAS A.B. SANDERS 22. Nutrition and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease  PHILIP A. SAPP, TERRENCE M. RILEY, ALYSSA M. TINDALL, VALERIE K. SULLIVAN, EMILY A. JOHNSTON, KRISTINA S. PETERSEN, AND PENNY M. KRIS-ETHERTON 23. Nutrition and gastrointestinal disorders  CAROLYN NEWBERRY, ELIZABETH PROUT PARKS, AND ASIM MAQBOOL 24. Kidney disease and nutrition in adults and children  NAMRATA G. JAIN, HILDA E. FERNANDEZ, AND THOMAS L. NICKOLAS 25. Alcohol: the role in nutrition and health  PAOLO M. SUTER 26. Liver disease  CRAIG JAMES MCCLAIN, LAURA SMART, SARAH SAFADI, AND IRINA KIRPICH 27. Nutritional anemias  AJIBOLA IBRAHEEM ABIOYE AND WAFAIE W. FAWZI 28. Nutrition and bone disease  RENE´ RIZZOLI 29. Food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances  STEVE L. TAYLOR AND JOSEPH L. BAUMERT 30. Nutrition and autoimmune diseases  SIMIN NIKBIN MEYDANI, WEIMIN GUO, SUNG NIM HAN, AND DAYONG WU 31. Specialized nutrition support  VIVIAN M. ZHAO AND THOMAS R. ZIEGLER 32. Nutrition support in critically ill adults and children  SHARON Y. IRVING, LIAM MCKEEVER, VIJAY SRINIVASAN, AND CHARLENE COMPHER 33. Clinical nutrition in patients with cancer  ASTA BYE AND ELLISIV LÆRUM-ONSAGER 34. Specialized nutrition support in burns, wasting, deconditioning, and hypermetabolic conditions  JUQUAN SONG, STEVEN E. WOLF, CHARLES E. WADE, AND THOMAS R. ZIEGLER


Subject Areas: Fitness & diet [VFM], Food & beverage technology [TDCT]

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