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Dynamo-Electricity Machinery
A Manual for Students of Electrotechnics

A classic 1880s guide to the many types of dynamo used to generate electricity, and the theory underlying their function.

Silvanus Phillips Thompson (Author)

9781108026871, Cambridge University Press

Paperback / softback, published 19 May 2011

690 pages, 373 b/w illus.
21.6 x 14 x 3.9 cm, 0.86 kg

Silvanus P. Thompson (1851–1916) was a physicist and electrical engineer. A professor by the age of 27, he taught at University College, Bristol, and the City and Guilds Finsbury Technical College in London, and was a leading expert on the newly emerging subject of electrical lighting. This work, first published in 1884, is considered a classic in the field. In this third edition (1888), Thompson explains that he has updated much of the work, and made an important amendment in Chapter XIV about the introduction of magnetic circuits into theoretical arguments about energy production. The book begins with an explanation of how dynamos turn mechanical power into electricity, and moves on to discuss some historical background and theoretical aspects before giving detailed descriptions and illustrations of the many types of dynamo. It is an important source document for the field of electrical engineering at the end of the nineteenth century.

1. Introductory. Historical notes. Electric units
2. Physical theory of dynamo-electric machines
3. Organs of dynamo-electric machines
4. On the induction of currents in armatures, and the distribution of potentials around the collector
5. Reactions in the armature and magnetic field
6. Government of dynamos
7. Continuous-current machines: closed coil ring armature dynamos
8. Continuous-current machines: closed coil drum armature dynamos
9. Continuous-current machines: closed coil disk armature dynamos
10. Continuous-current machines: open coil dynamos
11. Continuous-current machines: unipolar dynamos
12. Alternate current machines
13. Dynamos for electroplating and electro-metallurgy
14. Field-magnets and magnetism
15. Elementary theory of the dynamo
16. The magneto-machine and the separately-excited machine: efficiency and capacity
17. The series dynamo and its characteristic
18. The shunt dynamo and its characteristic
19. Further equations of the dynamo
20. Constant-potential dynamos: theory of self-regulation
21. Constant-current dynamos
22. Further use of graphic constructions
23. Theory of alternate-current dynamos
24. On coupling two or more dynamos in one circuit
25. Transformers
26. The dynamo as motor
27. Elementary theory of electric motive power
28. Reaction between armature and field-magnets in a motor
29. Special forms of motor
30. Theory of electric motors
31. Government of motors
32. Testing dynamos and motors

Subject Areas: History of engineering & technology [TBX]

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