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Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems

This textbook presents an introduction to fundamental concepts of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems, in a self-contained manner.

Mrinal Mandal (Author), Amir Asif (Author)

9781108477864, Cambridge University Press

Hardback, published 30 August 2007

880 pages
26 x 20.8 x 4.9 cm, 2 kg

This textbook presents an introduction to the fundamental concepts of continuous-time (CT) and discrete-time (DT) signals and systems, treating them separately in a pedagogical and self-contained manner. Emphasis is on the basic signal processing principles, with underlying concepts illustrated using practical examples from signal processing, multimedia communications, and bioinformatics. Following introductory chapters, the text is separated into two parts. Part I covers the theories, techniques, and applications of CT signals and systems and Part II discusses these topics for DT, so that the two can be taught independently or together. With over 300 illustrations, 285 worked examples and 385 homework problems, this textbook is an ideal introduction to the subject for undergraduates in electrical and computer engineering.

1. Introduction to signals
2. Introduction to systems
Part I. Continuous Time Signals and Systems: 3. Time domain analysis of systems
4. Signal representation using Fourier series
5. Continuous-time Fourier transform
6. Laplace transform
7. Continuous-time filters
8. Case studies for CT systems
Part II. Discrete Time Signals and Systems: 9. Sampling and quantization
10. Time domain analysis
11. Discrete-time Fourier series and transform
12. Discrete Fourier transform
13. Z-transform
14. Digital filters
15. FIR filter design
16. IIR filter design
17. Applications of digital signal processing
Appendices: A. Mathematical tables
B. Introduction to complex numbers
C. Linear constant coefficient differential equations
D. Partial fraction expansion
E. Introduction to MATLAB
F. About the CD-ROM.

Subject Areas: Communications engineering / telecommunications [TJK]

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